Thursday, July 10, 2008

37 - random mcqs from various subjects 4

61q: if the urethra is torn distal to the urogenital diaphragm , urine might accumulate in the ?

  1. retropubic space
  2. medial aspect of thigh
  3. ischiorectal fossa
  4. superficial perineal space

answer : d . superficial perineal space .

62q: parasympathetic fibres that supply the urinary bladder are derived from which of the following nerves ?

Answer : pelvic splanchnic nerve .

63q: general somatic afferents ( GSA ) fibres are contained in which of the following structures

  1. sympathetic trunk
  2. dorsal root
  3. greater splanchnic nerve
  4. gray rami communicates

answer : b . dorsal root .

64q: a lesion of parasympathetic fibres in the vagus nerve interferes with glandular secretory or smooth muscle functions in which of the following organs

  1. bladder
  2. transverse colon
  3. sigmoid colon
  4. prostate gland

answer : b . transverse colon . the vagus nerve supplies parasympathetic fibres to the thoracic and abdominal viscera , including the transverse colon . the descending and sigmoid colons and the abdominal viscera are innervated by the pelvic splanchnic nerves .

65q: overactivity of the thiazide sensitive NaCl transporter is called as

  1. dent’s disease
  2. gordon’s syndrome
  3. liddle syndrome
  4. gitelman’s syndrome

answer : b . gordon’s syndrome .

66q: most important marker for acute and chronic malnutrition is ?

  1. weight for height
  2. BMI
  3. Weight for age
  4. Height for age

Answer : c . weight for age .

67q: the following is the first phenotypic expression of hereditary hemochromatosis?

  1. post prandial increase in iron
  2. increased serum ferritin
  3. increase in transferrin saturation
  4. slate like skin pigmentation

answer : c . increase in transferring saturation .

68q: the mechanism of action of imatinib ?

  1. competitive inhibitor of the bcr abl gene product
  2. P glycoprotein inhibitor
  3. P glycoprotein stimulator
  4. Competitively antagonizes the ATP binding site

Answer : d .

69q: the following statement is true regarding AIDS associated arthropathy ?

  1. involves smaller joints
  2. erosive arthritis
  3. NSAID s are the drug of choice
  4. Lasts 6 weeks to 6 months

Answer : d . lasts 6 weeks to 6 months .

70q: all of the following produce diphtheria toxin except ?

  1. corynebacterium diphtheriae
  2. corynebacterium ulcerans
  3. corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis
  4. corynebacterium pseudodipthericum

answer : d .

71q: dienes phenomenon is seen in ?

  1. proteus
  2. mycoplasma
  3. Chlamydia
  4. Rickettsia

Answer : a . proteus .

72q: a patient with conjugated hyperbilirubinemia was diagnosed to have an inherited disorder of bile cancalicular function . his serum gamma glutamyl transferase ( GGT ) levels were elevated . what could be the probable diagnosis ?

  1. BRIC
  2. Rotors syndrome
  3. PFIC 2
  4. PFIC 3

Answer : d . PFIC 3 . the only variant of inheritable disorder of bile canalicular function with elevated GGT is PFIC 3 .

73q: the following CD antigen regulates Ig E synthesis ?

  1. CD 23
  2. CD 22
  3. CD 21
  4. CD 20

Answer : a . CD 23 .

74q: the complement component H deficiency predisposes to ?

  1. pyogenic infections
  2. neisseria infection
  3. Hemolytic uremic syndrome
  4. Immune complex syndromes

Answer : c . HUS .

75q: asialoglycoprotein receptor is the auto antigen in which auto immune disorder?

  1. auto immune hepatitis
  2. myasthenia gravis
  3. auto immune gastritis
  4. acquired hypoparathyroidism

answer : a . auto immune hepatitis .

76q: the recommended therapy for vancomycin resistant enterococcal infection ?

Answer : ampicillin plus gentamicin .

77q: drug of choice for prophylaxis of bacterial infection in a patient undergoing colorectal surgery ( clean contaminated ) includes all except ?

  1. cefoxitin
  2. oral neomycin
  3. erythromycin
  4. fluoroquinolones

answer : d .

78q: which bone tumor occurs in epiphysis ?

  1. osteoclastoma
  2. ewing’s sarcoma
  3. chondro-myxoid fibroma
  4. osteosarcoma

answer : a . osteoclastoma occurs in epiphysis .

79q: regarding S4 which of the follwing statement is true

  1. ventricular filling
  2. rapid ejection phase
  3. can be heard with human ear
  4. frequency more than 20 hertz

answer : a . ventricular filling .

80q: most common force involved in fractures of the spine

  1. flexion
  2. extension
  3. rotation
  4. compression

answer : a .

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